In January Andrew Wagner set up a Git repository to help organize and facilitate future work on adding support for chromatic staves to Lilypond. The most recent version of Kevin Dalley’s code is now hosted there, including the Mark Hanlon’s updates to it. This will make it easier for developers to work with the code, keep it compatible with newer versions of Lilypond, and eventually contribute our code back to the official Lilypond application. Read more about it on the repository’s wiki and our Lilypond and Alternative Notation Systems page. A big thank you to Andrew for his work on this!
In other software news, a third application for Klavar notation has been brought to our attention. It is called KLAVAR!, and has been added to our Software page where it joins KlavarScript and Klavar Music Writer. KLAVAR! was originally written in GFA Basic for the Atari ST. Marco Mascioli has started work towards porting it to MS Windows, Apple Mac OS X, and Linux. He is affiliated with the KlavarScore website.
Website News
We have moved our blog from Google’s Blogger software over to WordPress. The reason is that Blogger will be dropping support for FTP publishing on March 26th. While working on the blog, our webmaster was inspired to give our site a visual refresh in terms of its design/layout. Here is a screen shot of the old layout just for the record:
In addition to the revised layout, our site’s Intro (home) page has been streamlined and improved. The text in each section is now more concise, but with the option to reveal more discussion on each topic, according to the visitor’s interest. An audio clip has been added to let viewers hear the chromatic scale illustrated at the top of the page. (This uses the new HTML5 audio tag in browsers that support it, or reverts to Flash for those that do not. We will be moving to this approach for all audio on the site, reducing compatibility issues and making it more accessible for our visitors.)
The Music Notations section of the site has also received various refinements including making it clearer that the notation systems are ordered primarily by line spacing, and then by the number of lines per octave.
Community News
Our new wiki is off to a good start. It now has eleven pages that have been created by members of our community since it was launched back in November of 2009. Our Forum (Google group) membership has broken into the triple digits with 107 members, and we now have 153 fans of the Music Notation Project on our Facebook page (at the time of writing). (See Community.)
Has the layout of the site changed? It looks pretty much the same to me as shown in the picture in the post. Not complaining, its pretty simple and good, just curious.