The idea is plain and simple. In 12-TET there are 12 tones that have their names as follows:
Bo, Da, Le, Gu, Ro, Ma, Ne, Pu, Fo, Sa, Te, Vu
The tones are designated according to the first consonant letter of their corresponding names:
B, D, L, G, R, M, N, P, F, S, T, V
The vowels: O, A, E, U have been used as they are the most common and easy to get sung in vocal exercises.
The intervals in the Plain Notation System are also straightforward as follows:
- zero interval means – unison
- the smallest interval – first (prime)
- second
- third
- fourth
- fifth
- sixth
- seventh
- octave (eight)
- ninth
- tenth
- eleventh
- renova (anew, again)
- refirst
- resecond
- rethird
- … and so on
The inversions of the intervals obey the formula: Ia + a = 12 (Ia is the inversion of a)
An interval and its inversion sum up to 12, because 12 is the number
of the notes we have in 12-TET (so called European and Western music).
Mapping of the noteletters and noteheads on a “standard”
layout of a piano keyboard:
A small comparison between the conventional notation system and PMN:
*notice the amount of saved space and the improved clarity of PMN in
contrast to the standard music notation
For videos about Pashkuli products, please see also: Pashkuli Keyboard Instruments (YouTube channel)
If you’d like to contribute to the software development of PMN, please, visit its GitHub page here:
Below is a fancy visual presentations of the Plain Music Notation (PMN) system.
source as .pdf: PMN – introduction