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The image above shows the “Numbers-Only” version of the Numbered Notes system. As its title indicates, this system emphasizes the use of numbers for identifying pitches, and this version uses the numbers themselves as noteheads. (A version presented on the Numbered Notes website, has numbers printed in front of each notehead, the way accidentals are in traditional notation, as an optional learning aid. The “Notes-Only” version uses noteheads without numbers.)
Rhythmic notation is the same as in traditional notation, except that a novel means of distinguishing between half and quarter notes is introduced. The Numbered Notes notation system is rare in that it spaces its lines a minor third apart. (See the “Notes-Only” version for a discussion of other systems that have this minor-third spacing.)
Website: http://numberednotes.com/
First Introduced: 2009, Numbered Notes Website
Source: Jason MacCoy, Numbered Notes Website
Similar Notations: Untitled by Robert Stuckey, which also uses numbers for noteheads.
On the version that has numbers printed in front of each notehead, see our criterion 17.