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The staff has two lines representing E and G#/Ab. Above and below the staff a ledger line represents C. The standard staff spans two octaves as pictured above. Circular noteheads alternate between solid/black and hollow/white, highlighting the 6-6 pitch pattern. Rhythmic notation is proportional somewhat like Klavar notation. Beyreuther later withdrew this proposal in favor of its “dashed line” cousin.
Earliest documentation: 1959 (Canadian patent No. 568746, titled “Musical Staff”)
Source: Directory of Music Notation Proposals, section/page: 10/4, 11/2, 13/9
Similar Notations: Chromatic 6-6 Notation by Johannes Beyreuther
Miscellaneous examples: Major Scale Comparison Triad Comparison
Manuscript Paper: Discontinuous Staves Continuous Staves