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TwinNote has the same basic line-pattern and compact staff as the Twinline systems that inspired it, but it uses only triangle noteheads that appear in one of two orientations. Two notes appear on each line and space with hollow triangles oriented ‘point-down’ alternating with solid triangles oriented ‘point-up.’ This emphasizes the 6-6 pitch pattern.
Half notes are given a double stem to differentiate them from quarter notes (see Using Notehead Color for Pitch). Otherwise traditional rhythmic notation is used. The absence of any oval notes helps to reduce any confusion with traditional notation since this makes the two systems more visually distinct.
Various forms of short-hand can be used when writing music by hand. For example, all triangles can be left hollow, and the base of the triangles can be omitted, reducing the number of strokes required for each notehead to just two.
Source: Paul Morris, December 2009. (Black-Oval Twinline (also called White-Triangle Twinline) was briefly known as “TwinNote” from June to December 2009, before Morris designed this system which became TwinNote. In 2010 TwinNote TD was known as TwinNote, while this system was named “TwinNote Max 6-6 version.” Morris switched to the current names in early January of 2011. In March of 2011 Morris shifted the note positions up by a semitone to make C D E F G A B correspond with the lines and spaces of the traditional treble staff (instead of just C D E).)
Website: TwinNote Music Notation
Manuscript paper: Discontinuous Staves Continuous Staves