Like the other notation systems in this group, AxLoMaFi (originally called Trine Line) places middle C on the ledger line, and E and G# on the other two lines. Whereas Clairnote DN, Untitled by Johannes Beyreuther, and Chromatic Lyre Notation use alternating black and white noteheads to distinguish the two whole-tone scales, AxLoMaFi instead uses noteheads whose orientation alternates: the noteheads of one whole-tone scale slant upward to the right; the others slant upward to the left. (Compare this approach to the “6-6 jazz font” version of Express Stave, in which the notes of one whole-tone scale slant upward to the right, and those of the other lay flat horizontally.)
Rhythmic notation is the same as in traditional notation, including the position of the dot relative to the notehead in dotted notes. In AxLoMaFi, however, stems attach to the horizontal center of the notehead, instead of on the left or right as in traditional notation.
In the original version of this system (Trine Line), from 2014, stems that go up attach to the highest point of the notehead, and stems that go down attach to the lowest point. This is different from traditional notation, in which upward stems attach at the right of the notehead and downward stems at the left. Also, flags in Trine Line extend away from the stem in the same direction that the notehead does. For example, a single (unbeamed) eighth note whose notehead slants upward to the left will have its flag extend to the left of the stem (regardless of whether the stem goes up or down). This is different from traditional notation, in which flags extend to the right of the stem. In the revised version (AxLoMaFi), the flag’s direction is always to the right, the same as in traditional notation.
In AxLoMaFi, noteheads are optionally colored, with a different color for each pitch class. (If this feature were not optional, AxLoMaFi would not meet Criterion 7.)
Earliest documentation: 2014 (Trine Line), 2016 (AxLoMaFi)
Source: Jai Park
Similar Notations: Panot Notation by George Skapski
Manuscript Paper: Discontinuous Staves Continuous Staves
Example: Für Elise