The staff has a 7-5 line pattern with each line representing one of the seven notes of the C major scale (the white keys on the piano: A, B, C, D, E, F, G). The five other notes (the black keys on the piano) are then placed in the spaces between the lines. As there is no black key on the piano between E and F or between B and C, there is no space on the staff for notes between the E and F lines or the B and C lines. These two pairs of lines are closer together. The ledger line in the middle of the single octave staff represents D. Traditional rhythmic notation is used.
The Avique staff can be considered an inverse of the Mirck staff: where one has lines, the other has spaces, and vice versa.
Earliest documentation: 1974
Source: Directory of Music Notation Proposals, section/page: 10/9, 11/5, 13/19
Manuscript Paper: Discontinuous Staves Continuous Staves