DA Notation
by Rich Reed, 1986

Chromatic scale from C to C in DA Notation by Rich ReedC C#/Db D D#/Eb E F F#/Gb G G#/Ab A A#/Ab B C

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This staff is basically identical to Isomorph Notation by Tadeusz Wójcik and it uses the same alternating notehead color. The pitches are different with the heavy bottom and top lines representing C. Also, the rhythmic notation is mostly traditional rather than proportional. Rich Reed’s design was his modification of Wojcik’s design.

Earliest documentation: 1986

Source: Directory of Music Notation Proposals, section/page: 10/23, 11/2, 13/70

Similar Notations: Untitled by Arnold Schoenberg

Manuscript Paper: Discontinuous StavesContinuous Staves